Golra Railway Museum, Pakistan (AKA Pakistan Railways Heritage Museum)
Pakistan / Places We Go

Golra Railway Museum, Pakistan (AKA Pakistan Railways Heritage Museum)

Finally meeting up with my fixer at the Islamabad airport, we were soon on our way to Peshawar. Driving out of Islamabad, we passed through a prime example of the sprawl cities in the developing world are experiencing as they continue to grow at tremendous rates. The area pictured below was forested a few weeks … Continue reading

Pictures And Scenes Of The Pakistani Countryside Around Peshawar
Pakistan / Places We Go

Pictures And Scenes Of The Pakistani Countryside Around Peshawar

As I mentioned in the last post, a significant part of Pakistan is verdant agricultural land.  Here is a continuation of that theme around Peshawar: These guys were selling strawberries along the road.  A frequent sight (and the strawberries were really good): Now, of course, it isn’t all rolling hills and manicured fields as this … Continue reading