The Korean DMZ: From The Interesting Side…
North Korea / Places We Go

The Korean DMZ: From The Interesting Side…

On the North Korean side of the Demilitarized Zone: Former US President Bill Clinton famously described the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) as “the scariest place on earth” during a 2003 visit. Others have described it as the most dangerous spot on the planet… With descriptions like that, a visit is pretty much compulsory, no? The … Continue reading

The Juche Tower
North Korea / Places We Go

The Juche Tower

Formally known as the Tower of Juche Idea, the Juche Tower was built along with the Grand People’s Study House as part of the celebration surrounding Kim-Il-sung’s 70th birthday bash. Juche is the difficult to explain North Korean ideology developed by Kim-Il-sung that promotes a mixture of nationalism and self-reliance. A view of the Juche … Continue reading